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joe&anthony russo avengers:infinity war spoiler interview

【有关thor cap loki和其他】




















(11:50) russo: ...讲到他们从美队2加入漫威宇宙,讲到美队...
...one thing we were loved about was working with the character, cap in that movie was the fact that he had everything taken away form him. He was the man out of time, he lost all of his love ones, his government that he used to serve has changed. He didn’t have anything to rely on. And that’s a great way to get at the every human demotion of the character. 
And thor, what we excited about is in the ragnarok was the fact that thor was turning in a very similar face, the destruction of asgard.So we want to keep pushing that forward and take everything from this guy. And figure out what’s left on the humanity level and what happens to the character.  



RUSSO: it starts with winter soldier. And Anthony and I like this game changers, we like deconstruction methodology. And you know,winter soldier rips shield apart, and civil war rips the avengers apart, and the infinity war rips the MCU apart.so I think we are slowly leading theaudience towards this big revelation or this big climatic moment. And it’s importantfor us, because this is the kind of story we like, this is the story we want to tell.

RUSSO: 从美队2开始我和anthony我们就比较喜欢这种解构论。你懂的,比如美队2让神盾局破裂,美队3让复仇者联盟破裂,复联3让MCU破裂。所以我觉得我们在以一个缓慢的速度引导观众步入这个会让他们意外的故事以及剧情的高潮。我们喜欢这样的故事,这也是我们想讲述的故事


HSC:...(讲到开头heimdall与loki之死,提到特别是loki受粉丝欢迎)had Tom taken that news?

RUSSO: anyone who was been working on something for the better part of decade, but again I think we also understand that you can’t continuum to play this character forever. Comics can keep you drawing the characters in same age for decade sright? We are all aging, and there are new ideas and new stories to tell... (10:30) 

HSC:Tom 接受这个消息吗(指loki死亡)

RUSSO: 虽然有人从事于这件事已有十年之久,但我认为并且我们也明白,那就是你不可能一直扮演这个角色。漫画可以让一个角色几十年都保持同一个年龄,但是我们都在老龄化,并且在这之后还有新的想法与新的故事需要讲述...


